other social media work
National Black Women’s Society Summit (September ’16)
via @NBWS_Bos #NBWSSummit // live-tweeted various workshops and keynote speakers
Mentoring Night on the Cape (June ‘16)
via @MassMentoring // live-tweeted day-of for family-friendly baseball event to spread awareness of mentoring on Cape Cod; generated ideas and organized team voting for hashtag #CapeMentoringNight
DSNI’s Multi-Cultural Festival Theme Voting (May ‘16)
via @DSNI_org // organized a short voting poll to collect some votes on Twitter; consulted on potential hashtag for event and theme
Dudley Neighbors, Incorporated ‘s 2016 Annual Event (May ‘16)
via @DudleyNeighbors/Storify // contributed hashtag #DNIAnnual2016
Urban Autism ‘s 2nd Annual Kickoff (April ‘16)
via @UrbanAutism // contributed hashtag #UAKickoff16
Boston GLOW #NotABarbie Career &Empowerment Conference (March ‘16)
via @BostonGLOW/@reneeisto/Storify
GOTCHA Job & Resources Fair (live tweeting/resource sharing) (February ‘16)
via @DSNI_org/Storify
DSNI Open House: Imagine Dudley Campus #ImagineDVC (January ‘16)
via @DSNI_org/Storify // contributed hashtag #ImagineDVC
Grand Tour of Spain (January ‘15)
via EF Ultimate Break Live blog
Million Dollar $cholar Tweets (May-July ‘13)
via @MDollarScholar/Storify